In June 2021, as they were approaching their 3rd year dating anniversary, Nathaniel decided it was time to pop the question. Pamela already knew they would be celebrating their anniversary that weekend, but didn’t yet know the full extent of his plans. While she was hopeful of what could occur, she was also just excited to spend the day celebrating their love for each other.
Nathaniel, the caring person that he is, put a lot of work into making sure the whole evening was perfect. They started out at the High Museum, exploring the Calder/Picasso exhibit. Their second date had been at the High, and they had really loved exploring different art exhibits through the years, so it was a perfect start to the date.
After the museum, they went to Local Three, a restaurant that was special to Nathaniel’s family, and it was where they had celebrated their first six months of dating. When they arrived, Pamela discovered that Nathaniel had previously been there that day, and set out a special table for them. On the table was a vase with three roses (for three years together), some rose petals spread out, and a book, neatly tied with some ribbon and a bow. It was at this point that Pamela really started to think he was going to ask the question, but still thought it could just be him being extra special for their anniversary. It wasn’t unusual for Nathaniel to do extra thoughtful things for her.
After they ordered their drinks, Nathaniel had her look at the book while they were waiting. It was a custom photo book, filled with memories from their past three years together. Of course, Pamela was already crying by the time she got to the third or fourth page. On the next to last page, it had a picture from a recent hiking trip and said “Three wonderful years…” As she turned the last page, Nathaniel moved from his seat and got on one knee as she read, handwritten by him, “How about a lifetime more?”